August 21, 2023

Visit to Digambarpur Gram Panchayat

Our team visited Digambarpur gram panchayat to meet SHG in their Sangho Office.

On August 21, 2023, our team visited Digambarpur gram panchayat to engage with Self-Help Groups (SHGs) at their Sangho Office. We discussed how our organization’s programs, focusing on communication and computer literacy, could assist in improving their livelihoods. These SHGs, comprised of local women who work on businesses to support their families financially, balancing this with household and agricultural responsibilities. However, they face challenges with marketing, supply chain issues, and fluctuating demand for their products.

The visit was marked by the warm hospitality of the women, including a shared meal, and a meeting with the Pradhan of Digambarpur Panchayat, who expressed interest in the progress of the women in his village. Subsequently, the team traveled to Raipur gram panchayat to meet more SHG members, aiming to understand their needs and support them towards better livelihoods. This aligns with the Antahin Abha Foundation’s vision of empowering women for a dignified life by addressing grassroots problems and providing necessary support.